21 May 2020 Modeling disease spreading process induced by disease agent mobility in Dementia networks
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Dementia progression is based on exploring models predicting longitudinal disease patterns and represents a challenging research field for neurodegenerative diseases. Conventional progression models are mainly continu- ous network diffusion models assuming a radial contact-based spreading. In dementia-affected brain networks, however, we observe atrophy in specific brain regions that do not assume omni-directional contact-based disease progression but favor a path-based progression relying on misfolded and aggregated proteins flowing from one region to another. Here, we propose a novel concept to biologically model disease progression based on an disease characterization matrix that comprises both the routing and the amount of traversing proteins. We compare the path-based spreading with the contact-based spreading mechanism for brain network graphs for structural MRI data for healthy controls, mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s patients. As biomarkers we extract critical epidemic thresholds for both spreading mechanisms. The path-based spreading mechanism corroborates the clinical observations that disease spreading in dementia is persistent and thus increasing the transportation of misfolded and aggregated proteins as with disease evolution will lower the critical epidemic threshold.
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Amirhessam Tahmassebi, Uwe Meyer-Bäse, and Anke Meyer-Bäse "Modeling disease spreading process induced by disease agent mobility in Dementia networks", Proc. SPIE 11400, Pattern Recognition and Tracking XXXI, 114000E (21 May 2020);
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Process modeling

Control systems

Magnetic resonance imaging

Mathematical modeling

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