Poster + Paper
10 April 2024 Study of ArF phase shift masks radiation damage induced scum defect
Yuan Hsu, Kenko Tsai, Angus Chin, David Wang
Author Affiliations +
Conference Poster
The problem of radiation damage on photomask becomes more serious in the semiconductor technology using the 193nm ArF excimer laser, this phenomenon of radiation damage is regarded as a serious issue for semiconductor device fabrication. Wafer yield loss could be caused by the mask CD variation and the transmittance loss due to MoSi film radiation damage on the photomask, many studies have been done about the mechanism and the solution of the radiation damage such as haze and Cr migration so far. However, we still need to clarify some abnormal types of growing defects such as scum defects induced by MoSi film radiation damage. In this paper, we introduce a study of ArF Phase Shift Masks radiation damage-induced scum defects. The impact of radiation damage induced scum defects caused mask CD variation found by AIMS-intensity and AIMS-CD. Additionally, the defect's growing location is stronger related to the distance to frame region or scribe line with the Cr layer of the photomask. Also, this defect is not generally removed through the conventional wet cleaning process but it only could be removed by a kind of dry treatment with a wet process. Base on the analysis data and previous kinds of literature we bring forward the possible defects generation mechanism.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yuan Hsu, Kenko Tsai, Angus Chin, and David Wang "Study of ArF phase shift masks radiation damage induced scum defect", Proc. SPIE 12953, Optical and EUV Nanolithography XXXVII, 129531E (10 April 2024);
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