1 May 1991 Tunable diode laser spectrometer for high-precision concentration and ratio measurements of long-lived atmospheric gases
Alan Fried, James R. Drummond, Bruce E. Henry, Jack Fox
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Proceedings Volume 1433, Measurement of Atmospheric Gases; (1991)
Event: Optics, Electro-Optics, and Laser Applications in Science and Engineering, 1991, Los Angeles, CA, United States
The ambient fluctuations of long-lived atmospheric gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and carbonyl sulfide, to name a few, contain important information about sources, sinks and potential secular trends. Since such fluctuations can be quite small, typically less than a few percent, high precision instruments are required. In the present study, we describe a versatile tunable diode laser system for this purpose. This system employs a number of novel features for increased system control and versatility. In addition to high precision, such versatility enables us to acquire the ratio of 2 spectral features with high precision, even when the signal amplitudes are a factor of 26 different and when the spectral features are separated by as much as 0.424 cm-1. This capability can be used to address many important applications in atmospheric studies.
© (1991) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Alan Fried, James R. Drummond, Bruce E. Henry, and Jack Fox "Tunable diode laser spectrometer for high-precision concentration and ratio measurements of long-lived atmospheric gases", Proc. SPIE 1433, Measurement of Atmospheric Gases, (1 May 1991); Logo
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Tunable diode lasers

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