29 June 2001 Visualization and study of heat diffusion in glass by a compact schlieren system
Adrian Petris, Carmen Popa, Dragos Popa, Valentin I. Vlad
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Proceedings Volume 4430, ROMOPTO 2000: Sixth Conference on Optics; (2001)
Event: ROMOPTO 2000: Sixth Conference on Optics, 2000, Bucharest, Romania
The experimental study of heat diffusion in glass by a compact schlieren system is presented. The schlieren system has been set up with a single transverse mode laser diode as light source. We have used a plane thermal source (a heated metal plate) to generate thermal fields in a plane glass plate sitting perpendicular to the thermal source. The schlieren images were recorded using a CCD camera and a video recorder connected to a PC. A specific software did a further digital image processing. The experimental results have been checked against a theoretical model of the heat diffusion in an infinite medium at a strong and short thermal excitation by a plane thermal source. A good agreement between experimental and theoretical results was found, up to some differences between the experimental conditions and the theoretical hypotheses, which validate this method as a quantitative one in such experiments.
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Adrian Petris, Carmen Popa, Dragos Popa, and Valentin I. Vlad "Visualization and study of heat diffusion in glass by a compact schlieren system", Proc. SPIE 4430, ROMOPTO 2000: Sixth Conference on Optics, (29 June 2001);
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CCD cameras

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