20 May 2005 Acoustic urban evaluator 1.0: an aiding tool for SECURES
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Planning Systems Incorporated has developed a System for the Effective Control of URban Environment Security, (SECURES) which detects and localizes gunshots acoustically. This is achieved by deploying a grid of acoustic sensors mounted to utility poles or buildings in the area plagued by gunfire. Localization is determined by a central processing unit which receives information about acoustic events via radio. One key question faced in the deployment of the sensors is whether all the desired area is going to be covered effectively. Until recently the required location and density of the sensors was determined through educated estimation by experienced staff. The role of the Acoustic Urban Evaluator (AUE 1.0) is to aid with determining the optimal geometry of the sensor grid, reduce coverage uncertainty and minimize the number of necessary sensors for effective coverage. AUE is a physics-based acoustic propagation model that takes into account the propagation of a pulse above a finite impedance plane as well as diffraction around obstacles. Assuming a source (shooter) situated anywhere in the monitored area, AUE computes the transfer function and the peak Sound Pressure Level (SPL) for all possible source-sensor pairs. Based on the peak SPL it is determined whether the shooters can be localized. The paper describes the model as well as the implementation details.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Doru Velea "Acoustic urban evaluator 1.0: an aiding tool for SECURES", Proc. SPIE 5778, Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense IV, (20 May 2005); Logo
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