14 February 2007 Singlet oxygen generator on a chip for MEMS-based COIL
Carol Livermore, Tyrone F. Hill, Luis Velásquez-García, Benjamin A. Wilhite, Alan H. Epstein, Klavs Jensen, W. Terry Rawlins, Seonkyung Lee, Steven Davis
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Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) offer a promising approach for creating compact, efficient chemical oxygen iodine lasers. In this paper we report the demonstration and characterization of a chip-scale, MEMS-based singlet oxygen generator, or microSOG. The microSOG is a batch-fabricated silicon chip that is micromachined to form reactant inlets and distribution system, an array of microstructured packed bed reaction channels to ensure good mixing between the BHP and the chlorine, a gas-liquid separator that removes liquid from the output stream by capillary effects, integrated heat exchangers to remove the excess heat of reaction, and product outlets. The microSOG has successfully generated singlet delta oxygen, and the resulting singlet delta concentrations were measured in a quartz test cell downstream of the chip using absolutely-calibrated near-infrared emission measurements made by an InGaAs array spectrometer. A kinetics analysis was used to determine the concentration at the chip's outlet from the concentration at the measurement point. Singlet delta yield at the outlet was determined to be about 81% at 150 Torr plenum pressure with a 25 sccm flow of chlorine. The corresponding output flow carries about 1.4 W of power at the chip's outlet.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Carol Livermore, Tyrone F. Hill, Luis Velásquez-García, Benjamin A. Wilhite, Alan H. Epstein, Klavs Jensen, W. Terry Rawlins, Seonkyung Lee, and Steven Davis "Singlet oxygen generator on a chip for MEMS-based COIL", Proc. SPIE 6454, High Energy/Average Power Lasers and Intense Beam Applications, 64540G (14 February 2007); Logo
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