29 May 2014 Extremely high-frequency micro-Doppler measurements of humans
Abigail S. Hedden, Jerry L. Silvious, Charles R. Dietlein, Jeremy A. Green, David A. Wikner
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The development of sensors that are capable of penetrating smoke, dust, fog, clouds, and rain is critical for maintaining situational awareness in degraded visual environments and for providing support to the Warfighter. Atmospheric penetration properties, the ability to form high-resolution imagery with modest apertures, and available source power make the extremely high-frequency (EHF) portion of the spectrum promising for the development of radio frequency (RF) sensors capable of penetrating visual obscurants. Comprehensive phenomenology studies including polarization and backscatter properties of relevant targets are lacking at these frequencies. The Army Research Laboratory (ARL) is developing a fully-polarimetric frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) instrumentation radar to explore polarization and backscatter properties of in-situ rain, scattering from natural and man-made surfaces, and the radar cross section and micro-Doppler signatures of humans at EHF frequencies, specifically, around the 220 GHz atmospheric window. This work presents an overview of the design and construction of the radar system, hardware performance, data acquisition software, and initial results including an analysis of human micro-Doppler signatures.
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Abigail S. Hedden, Jerry L. Silvious, Charles R. Dietlein, Jeremy A. Green, and David A. Wikner "Extremely high-frequency micro-Doppler measurements of humans", Proc. SPIE 9077, Radar Sensor Technology XVIII, 90771C (29 May 2014);
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Data acquisition

Signal attenuation

Extremely high frequency

Optical spheres


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