15 May 2014 Compact microring resonator sensor based on three-trenched channel plasmonic waveguide
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In this paper, compact three trenched channel plasmonic microring resonator sensor (TTCP-MRRS) on a silicon-oninsulator substrate is proposed and analyzed. The three trenched waveguide is composed of three metal-gaps-silicon structure, where the optical energy is greatly enhanced in the narrow gaps. The full vectorial finite element method is used to numerically analyze the device optical characteristics as a biochemical sensor. As the optical field in the proposed structure has a large overlap with the upper-cladding sensing medium, the sensitivity is very high compared to other dielectric microring resonator sensors. The sensitivity is the ratio between the resonance wavelength shift and the cladding refractive index change, which is a key parameter to describe the sensor performance. The detection limit (DL), which is defined as the minimum refractive index change in the sensing medium that can be detected by the sensor system, is proportional to the resonance line width Δλ or inversely proportional to the resonance Q-factor. So, in order to properly evaluate the sensing performance of the proposed channel plasmonic microring resonator sensor, a figure of merit (FOM) can be defined as the number of resonance line width shift in response to a unit cladding refractive index change. The proposed (TTCP-MRRS) has a compact size and high sensitivity and can be integrated in an array form on a chip for highly-efficient lab-on-chip biochemical sensing applications.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ahmed M. Heikal, Mohamed Farhat O. Hameed, and S. S. A. Obayya "Compact microring resonator sensor based on three-trenched channel plasmonic waveguide", Proc. SPIE 9141, Optical Sensing and Detection III, 91412D (15 May 2014);
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