15 October 2015 Interference enhancement and modulation introduced by surface plasmon polaritons in a concentric-ring structure
Senfeng Lai, Wen Wu, Li Peng, Wenhua Gu
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This article studied the interference enhancement and modulation introduced by surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) in a double-concentric-ring structure. Young’s double-slit interference experiment is a classic experiment in the history of physics, and has many modifications with deep impacts in many areas including physics, optics, and electromagnetics. In this work, to use the classic bull’s eye structure to produce the surface plasmon polariton effect, a double-concentricring- hole structure was used instead of the double-slit structure to generate optical interference, and the bull’s eye structure was applied in the surroundings to generate surface plasmonic wave for modulation of the interference. For structure details, a concentric double-ring-hole was etched in a silver film, with a series of periodic concentric-ringshaped shallow grooves etched in both the upper and bottom surfaces of the silver films. Simulation results showed that the interference of the double-ring-hole could be modulated by SPPs, generating new transmission spectra with desired peak positions and intensities. The transmission peak intensity could be enhanced by 2 to 6 times. The proposed structure can be used as a powerful and convenient tool to adjust the transmission spectra, which can have promising applications in the design and implementation of optical devices for filtering and sensing, especially in the sub-wavelength structure size range.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Senfeng Lai, Wen Wu, Li Peng, and Wenhua Gu "Interference enhancement and modulation introduced by surface plasmon polaritons in a concentric-ring structure", Proc. SPIE 9673, AOPC 2015: Micro/Nano Optical Manufacturing Technologies; and Laser Processing and Rapid Prototyping Techniques, 96730P (15 October 2015);
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Surface plasmon polaritons





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