18 April 2016 Mechanical analysis of carbon fiber reinforced shape memory polymer composite for self-deployable structure in space environment
Seok Bin Hong, Yong San Ahn, Joon Hyeok Jang, Jin-Gyun Kim, Nam Seo Goo, Woong-Ryeol Yu
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Shape memory polymer (SMP) is one of smart polymers which exhibit shape memory effect upon external stimuli. Reinforcements as carbon fiber had been used for making shape memory polymer composite (CF-SMPC). This study investigated a possibility of designing self-deployable structures in harsh space condition using CF-SMPCs and analyzed their shape memory behaviors with constitutive equation model.CF-SMPCs were prepared using woven carbon fabrics and a thermoset epoxy based SMP to obtain their basic mechanical properties including actuation in harsh environment. The mechanical and shape memory properties of SMP and CF-SMPCs were characterized using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and universal tensile machine (UTM) with an environmental chamber. The mechanical properties such as flexural strength and tensile strength of SMP and CF-SMPC were measured with simple tensile/bending test and time dependent shape memory behavior was characterized with designed shape memory bending test. For mechanical analysis of CF-SMPCs, a 3D constitutive equation of SMP, which had been developed using multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient and shape memory strains, was used with material parameters determined from CF-SMPCs. Carbon fibers in composites reinforced tensile and flexural strength of SMP and acted as strong elastic springs in rheology based equation models. The actuation behavior of SMP matrix and CF-SMPCs was then simulated as 3D shape memory bending cases. Fiber bundle property was imbued with shell model for more precise analysis and it would be used for prediction of deploying behavior in self-deployable hinge structure.
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Seok Bin Hong, Yong San Ahn, Joon Hyeok Jang, Jin-Gyun Kim, Nam Seo Goo, and Woong-Ryeol Yu "Mechanical analysis of carbon fiber reinforced shape memory polymer composite for self-deployable structure in space environment", Proc. SPIE 9800, Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites 2016, 98000S (18 April 2016); Logo
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Shape memory polymers

Aerospace engineering


Fiber reinforced polymers

Analytical research

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