17 March 2006 STEAM: a software tool based on empirical analysis for micro electro mechanical systems
Archana Devasia, Ajay Pasupuleti, Ferat Sahin
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In this research a generalized software framework that enables accurate computer aided design of MEMS devices is developed. The proposed simulation engine utilizes a novel material property estimation technique that generates effective material properties at the microscopic level. The material property models were developed based on empirical analysis and the behavior extraction of standard test structures. A literature review is provided on the physical phenomena that govern the mechanical behavior of thin films materials. This survey indicates that the present day models operate under a wide range of assumptions that may not be applicable to the micro-world. Thus, this methodology is foreseen to be an essential tool for MEMS designers as it would develop empirical models that relate the loading parameters, material properties, and the geometry of the microstructures with its performance characteristics. This process involves learning the relationship between the above parameters using non-parametric learning algorithms such as radial basis function networks and genetic algorithms. The proposed simulation engine has a graphical user interface (GUI) which is very adaptable, flexible, and transparent. The GUI is able to encompass all parameters associated with the determination of the desired material property so as to create models that provide an accurate estimation of the desired property. This technique was verified by fabricating and simulating bilayer cantilevers consisting of aluminum and glass (TEOS oxide) in our previous work. The results obtained were found to be very encouraging.
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Archana Devasia, Ajay Pasupuleti, and Ferat Sahin "STEAM: a software tool based on empirical analysis for micro electro mechanical systems", Proc. SPIE 6175, Testing, Reliability, and Application of Micro- and Nano-Material Systems IV, 61750I (17 March 2006); Logo
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Microelectromechanical systems


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