3 April 2012 Application of higher order SVD to vibration-based system identification and damage detection
Shu-Hsien Chao, Chin-Hsiung Loh, Jian-Huang Weng
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Singular value decomposition (SVD) is a powerful linear algebra tool. It is widely used in many different signal processing methods, such principal component analysis (PCA), singular spectrum analysis (SSA), frequency domain decomposition (FDD), subspace identification and stochastic subspace identification method ( SI and SSI ). In each case, the data is arranged appropriately in matrix form and SVD is used to extract the feature of the data set. In this study three different algorithms on signal processing and system identification are proposed: SSA, SSI-COV and SSI-DATA. Based on the extracted subspace and null-space from SVD of data matrix, damage detection algorithms can be developed. The proposed algorithm is used to process the shaking table test data of the 6-story steel frame. Features contained in the vibration data are extracted by the proposed method. Damage detection can then be investigated from the test data of the frame structure through subspace-based and nullspace-based damage indices.
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Shu-Hsien Chao, Chin-Hsiung Loh, and Jian-Huang Weng "Application of higher order SVD to vibration-based system identification and damage detection", Proc. SPIE 8345, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2012, 834525 (3 April 2012); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Damage detection

System identification


Stochastic processes

Spectrum analysis

Algorithm development


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