21 February 2013 Funneling single photons into ridge-waveguide photonic integrated circuits
S. Fattah poor, L. Midolo, L. H. Li, E. H. Linfield, J. F. P. Schouwenberg, T. Xia, F. W. M. van Otten, T. B. Hoang, A. Fiore
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The generation, manipulation and detection of single photons enable quantum communication, simulation and potentially computing protocols. However scaling to several qubits requires the integration of these functionalities in a single chip. A promising approach to the integration of single-photon sources in a chip is the use of single quantum dots embedded in photonic crystal waveguides or cavities. To this aim, efficient coupling of the emission from single quantum dots in photonic crystal cavities to low-loss ridge-waveguide (RWG) circuits is needed. This is usually hampered by the large mode mismatch between the two systems. In this work the emission of a photonic crystal (PhC) cavity realized on a GaAs/AlGaAs membrane and pumped by quantum dots has been effectively coupled and transferred through a long RWG (~1mm). By continuous tapering in both horizontal and vertical direction, transmission values (fiber-in, fiber-out) around 0.16 and 0.08% for RWG and coupled PhC waveguide-RWG have been achieved, respectively. This corresponds to about 2.8% coupling efficiency between the center of the PhC waveguide and the single-mode output fiber, a value much higher than what is achieved by top collection. It further shows that around 70% of the light in the PhC waveguide is coupled to the RWG. The emission from quantum dots in the cavity has been clearly identified by exciting from the top and collecting the photoluminescence from the cleaved facet of the device 1mm away from the cavity which enables the efficient coupling of single photons to RWG and detector circuits.
© (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
S. Fattah poor, L. Midolo, L. H. Li, E. H. Linfield, J. F. P. Schouwenberg, T. Xia, F. W. M. van Otten, T. B. Hoang, and A. Fiore "Funneling single photons into ridge-waveguide photonic integrated circuits", Proc. SPIE 8632, Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures III, 863202 (21 February 2013);
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Photonic crystals

Quantum dots

Single photon


Photonic integrated circuits


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