5 March 2015 Illumination-compensated non-contact imaging photoplethysmography via dual-mode temporally coded illumination
Robert Amelard, Christian Scharfenberger, Alexander Wong, David A. Clausi
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Proceedings Volume 9316, Multimodal Biomedical Imaging X; 931607 (2015)
Event: SPIE BiOS, 2015, San Francisco, California, United States
Non-contact camera-based imaging photoplethysmography (iPPG) is useful for measuring heart rate in conditions where contact devices are problematic due to issues such as mobility, comfort, and sanitation. Existing iPPG methods analyse the light-tissue interaction of either active or passive (ambient) illumination. Many active iPPG methods assume the incident ambient light is negligible to the active illumination, resulting in high power requirements, while many passive iPPG methods assume near-constant ambient conditions. These assumptions can only be achieved in environments with controlled illumination and thus constrain the use of such devices. To increase the number of possible applications of iPPG devices, we propose a dual-mode active iPPG system that is robust to changes in ambient illumination variations. Our system uses a temporally-coded illumination sequence that is synchronized with the camera to measure both active and ambient illumination interaction for determining heart rate. By subtracting the ambient contribution, the remaining illumination data can be attributed to the controlled illuminant. Our device comprises a camera and an LED illuminant controlled by a microcontroller. The microcontroller drives the temporal code via synchronizing the frame captures and illumination time at the hardware level. By simulating changes in ambient light conditions, experimental results show our device is able to assess heart rate accurately in challenging lighting conditions. By varying the temporal code, we demonstrate the trade-off between camera frame rate and ambient light compensation for optimal blood pulse detection.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Robert Amelard, Christian Scharfenberger, Alexander Wong, and David A. Clausi "Illumination-compensated non-contact imaging photoplethysmography via dual-mode temporally coded illumination", Proc. SPIE 9316, Multimodal Biomedical Imaging X, 931607 (5 March 2015); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications and 11 patents.
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Imaging systems

Light emitting diodes

Light sources and illumination

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