9 March 2016 The influence of femtosecond laser wavelength on waveguide fabrication inside glass
Javier Hernandez Rueda, Jasper Clarijs, Dries van Oosten, Denise M. Krol
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We have investigated the permanent refractive index changes inside fused silica glass after laser inscription of waveguides using ultrashort laser pulses at different wavelengths. To this end the laser frequency was detuned using an optical parametric amplifier (OPA) combined with a confocal arrangement (for cleaning the laser Gaussian spatial profile). The suitability for waveguiding and the refractive index changes were inspected by measuring the near- and farfield output profiles of the laser-machined lines using a continuous wave laser at 660 nm. Raman spectroscopy was performed both for tracks of damage and for good optical waveguides. The structural changes were inferred from peak shifts and relative intensity fluctuations associated with representative Raman bands. In fused silica, changes in the 605 cm-1 peak, which is due to 3-membered Si-O ring structures, were monitored. Since the laser photon energy rules the order, k, of the multiphoton absorption in dielectrics, the role of the laser wavelength for waveguide fabrication will be discussed in terms of different powers of the laser intensity (I(r,z)k(λ)) and the Keldysh formalism for strong field ionization (WSFI(λ)).
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Javier Hernandez Rueda, Jasper Clarijs, Dries van Oosten, and Denise M. Krol "The influence of femtosecond laser wavelength on waveguide fabrication inside glass", Proc. SPIE 9740, Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Applications XVI, 97401F (9 March 2016); Logo
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Raman spectroscopy




Refractive index

Laser energy

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