12 December 2016 Non-imaging Optics of multi-LED light source for hyperspectral imaging
Kashif Islam, Martin E. Gosnell, Martin Ploschner, Ayad G. Anwer, Ewa M. Goldys
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Proceedings Volume 10013, SPIE BioPhotonics Australasia; 100132T (2016)
Event: SPIE BioPhotonics Australasia, 2016, Adelaide, Australia
The main objective of our work was to design a light source which should be capable to collect and illuminate light of LEDs at the smaller aperture of cone (9mm) which could be either coupled with secondary optics of a microscope or utilized independently for hyperspectral studies. Optimized performance of cone was assessed for different substrates (diffused glass silica, Alumina, Zerodur glass, acrylic plastic) and coating surfaces (white diffused, flat white paint, standard mirror) using a simulation software. The parameters optimized for truncated cone include slanting length and Top Major R (Larger diameter of cone) which were also varied from 10 to 350 mm and 10 to 80 mm respectively. In order to see affect of LED positions on cone efficiency, the positions of LED were varied from central axis to off-axis. Similarly, interLED distance was varied from 2 mm to 6 mm to reckon its effect on the performance of cone. The optimized Slant length (80 mm) and Top Major R (50 mm) were determined for substrates (glass zerodur or acrylic plastic) and coating surface (standard mirror). The output profile of truncated source was found non uniform, which is a typical presentation of non imaging optics problem. The maximum efficiency of cone has been found for LED at the centre and it was found decreasing as LED moves away from the central axis. Moreover, shorter the interLED distance, better is the performance of cone. The primary optics of cone shaped light source is capable to lit visible and UV LEDs in practical design. The optimum parameters obtained through simulations could be implemented in the fabrication procedure if the reflectance of source would have been maintained upto finish level of a standard mirror.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kashif Islam, Martin E. Gosnell, Martin Ploschner, Ayad G. Anwer, and Ewa M. Goldys "Non-imaging Optics of multi-LED light source for hyperspectral imaging", Proc. SPIE 10013, SPIE BioPhotonics Australasia, 100132T (12 December 2016);
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Light emitting diodes

Light sources

Hyperspectral imaging


Nonimaging optics


Ultraviolet radiation


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