20 April 2017 Competition in the domain of wireless networks security
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Proceedings Volume 10418, XI Conference on Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare Systems; 104180A (2017)
Event: Conference on Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare Systems, 2016, Oltarzew, Poland
Wireless networks are very popular and have found wide spread usage amongst various segments, also in military environment. The deployment of wireless infrastructures allow to reduce the time it takes to install and dismantle communications networks. With wireless, users are more mobile and can easily get access to the network resources all the time. However, wireless technologies like WiFi or Bluetooth have security issues that hackers have extensively exploited over the years. In the paper several serious security flaws in wireless technologies are presented. Most of them enable to get access to the internal networks and easily carry out man-in-the-middle attacks. Very often, they are used to launch massive denial of service attacks that target the physical infrastructure as well as the RF spectrum. For instance, there are well known instances of Bluetooth connection spoofing in order to steal WiFi password stored in the mobile device. To raise the security awareness and protect wireless networks against an adversary attack, an analysis of attack methods and tools over time is presented in the article. The particular attention is paid to the severity, possible targets as well as the ability to persist in the context of protective measures. Results show that an adversary can take complete control of the victims’ mobile device features if the users forget to use simple safety principles.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Mariusz Bednarczyk "Competition in the domain of wireless networks security", Proc. SPIE 10418, XI Conference on Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare Systems, 104180A (20 April 2017);
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