13 June 2017 Geometric approach to the design of an imaging probe to evaluate the iridocorneal angle structures
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Proceedings Volume 10449, Fifth International Conference on Optical and Photonics Engineering; 104490B (2017)
Event: Fifth International Conference on Optical and Photonics Engineering, 2017, Singapore, Singapore
Photographic imaging methods allow the tracking of anatomical changes in the iridocorneal angle structures and the monitoring of treatment responses overtime. In this work, we aim to design an imaging probe to evaluate the iridocorneal angle structures using geometrical optics. We first perform an analytical analysis on light propagation from the anterior chamber of the eye to the exterior medium using Snell’s law. This is followed by adopting a strategy to achieve uniform near field irradiance, by simplifying the complex non-rotational symmetric irradiance distribution of LEDs tilted at an angle. The optimization is based on the geometric design considerations of an angled circular ring array of 4 LEDs (or a 2 × 2 square LED array). The design equation give insights on variable parameters such as the illumination angle of the LEDs, ring array radius, viewing angle of the LEDs, and the working distance. A micro color CCD video camera that has sufficient resolution to resolve the iridocorneal angle structures at the required working distance is then chosen. The proposed design aspects fulfil the safety requirements recommended by the International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xun Jie Jeesmond Hong, Shinoj V. K., V. M. Murukeshan, Baskaran M., and Tin Aung "Geometric approach to the design of an imaging probe to evaluate the iridocorneal angle structures", Proc. SPIE 10449, Fifth International Conference on Optical and Photonics Engineering, 104490B (13 June 2017);
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Light emitting diodes

Geometrical optics

Biomedical optics

Imaging arrays

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