29 April 2010 Explosives standoff detection using Raman spectroscopy: from bulk towards trace detection
Anna Pettersson, Sara Wallin, Henric Östmark, Anneli Ehlerding, Ida Johansson, Markus Nordberg, Hanna Ellis, Ahmed Al-Khalili
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This paper gives a brief overview on our latest progress in the area of standoff detection. Standoff Raman measurements from 200 m and 470 m distance have been performed on bulk amounts of TATP and AN respectively, the former through a double sided window, the latter under heavy rain. Resonance Raman measurements on TNT, DNT and NM vapors in the ppm concentration regime are presented, showing resonance enhancement in the range of 2 200 (NM) to 57 000 (TNT) as compared to 532 nm Raman cross sections. Finally, the application of hyper spectral Raman imaging is described, exemplified by the resolution of four different samples (sulphur, AN, DNT, and TNT) in the form of 5 mm wide discs in one single image.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Anna Pettersson, Sara Wallin, Henric Östmark, Anneli Ehlerding, Ida Johansson, Markus Nordberg, Hanna Ellis, and Ahmed Al-Khalili "Explosives standoff detection using Raman spectroscopy: from bulk towards trace detection", Proc. SPIE 7664, Detection and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Objects, and Obscured Targets XV, 76641K (29 April 2010); Logo
Cited by 30 scholarly publications.
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Raman spectroscopy


Standoff detection

Resonance enhancement

Explosives detection

Imaging spectroscopy


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