24 August 2009 Photoelectricity signal processing circuit of interferometric fiber optic pressure sensor
Zhenwu Guo, Wei-xiang Li, Qing-bin Meng, Yong Pan, Guang-wei Liu, Fu-wei Ge, Rong-xin Zhang
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Proceedings Volume 7381, International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2009: Material and Device Technology for Sensors; 73810T (2009)
Event: International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2009, 2009, Beijing, China
We have designed an intensity-demodulated sensing system based on Fabry-Perot interferometric sensor for pressure measurement. The structure of the sensing probe has been presented. The sensing system is interrogated by broadband source. For compensating drift of the source power and fluctuation in fiber attenuation, the light beam is separated into two channels by a fiber Bragg Grating, the transmitted light used as reference signal and the reflected light used as sensing signal. In order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) of the detection system, the input light is modulated by pulse signal, and the low noise preamplifier is given. The more important factor to improve the SNR is that a synchronization integrator is employed to construct a narrow band filter to restrain noises and disturbances. It has better performance with a narrow band noise filter rather than the general RC active bandpass filter. The sensing signal and the reference signal are transformed into DC voltage signal from AC voltage signal after they passed the synchronization integrator circuit. Subsequently the division operation of the sensing signal and the reference signal is implemented. At last a linear output model is established. The system has advantages of fast response, strong ability and low cost. The dynamic range of the sensor is from 0 to 400KPa, and the resolution reaches to 200Pa.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Zhenwu Guo, Wei-xiang Li, Qing-bin Meng, Yong Pan, Guang-wei Liu, Fu-wei Ge, and Rong-xin Zhang "Photoelectricity signal processing circuit of interferometric fiber optic pressure sensor", Proc. SPIE 7381, International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2009: Material and Device Technology for Sensors, 73810T (24 August 2009);
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Signal to noise ratio


Fiber optics sensors

Signal processing

Signal detection

Interference (communication)


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