7 September 2000 20-Hz linewidth millimeter-wave generation by optical sideband filtering
James H. Menders, Edward Miles, Ed Friesema, Neil Vallestero
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We generated a low phase noise 16 GHz electrical signal of 20 Hz linewidth from a single 1 MHz linewidth diode laser. At 36 Ghz, our frequency angle mm-wave generator produced an electrical signal with an instrument resolution limited linewidth of < 1 kHz. Our approach uses a relatively low frequency (4-8 GHz) phase modulator to generate a multiline sideband spectrum from a single mode laser, which is filtered to pass or select a pair of spectral lines. Interference between the lines on the active area of a photodetector produces an electrical signal that can be set between 4 and 60 Ghz. B y controlling the phase modulator frequency and amplitude we set the sideband frequency spacing between 4 and 8 Ghz, and efficiently couple optical power into sidebands up to the fourth order. Rapid transitioning between sideband spectra best suited for a particular mm-wave frequency could be made in a few milliseconds using a programmable synthesizer and RF amplifier. Two- sideband selection was obtained by splitting the signal between two legs of a filter network and using ultra-narrowband fiber Bragg grating (FBG) fiber filters to select single lines. We controlled the fiber filter strain to tune the filters rapidly, setting the tension using PZT actuators. The generator prototype was packaged as a pair of portable twin rack modules under PC control.
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James H. Menders, Edward Miles, Ed Friesema, and Neil Vallestero "20-Hz linewidth millimeter-wave generation by optical sideband filtering", Proc. SPIE 4112, Radio Frequency Photonic Devices and Systems, (7 September 2000); Logo
Cited by 9 scholarly publications.
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Optical filters

Interference (communication)

Phase shift keying

Phased array optics




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