1 March 1991 Imaging science in the 1990s
Robert N. Beck
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Proceedings Volume 1396, Applications of Optical Engineering: Proceedings of OE/Midwest '90; (1991)
Event: Applications of Optical Engineering: Proceedings of OE/Midwest '90, 1990, Rosemont, IL, United States
Imaging Science is rapidly emerging from its roots within the traditional disciplines largely as a result of recent advances in computer science and technology that have given rise to computer-based imaging devices (e. g. microscopes telescopes and medical imaging devices that produce digitized images) all of which can be understood in terms of a common set of principles and concepts. Specifically the development of very powerful high-resolution workstations high-speed networks mass data storage and software for dynamic interactive 3-D display and automated image analysis will have an increasingly profound impact on virtually every aspect of life and culture including scientific research and engineering health care and education as well as manufacturing commerce and industry. Advances in Imaging Science will be accelerated by the establishment of new synergistic relationships among " imaging scientists" who currently function in relative isolation within universities national laboratories and numerous industries. The UofC/ANL Center for Imaging Science has been established to foster such relationships. The State of illinois is in an ideal position to play a leadership role in the emergence of this important new discipline which is destined to have an increasing impact on the world economy. 1.
© (1991) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Robert N. Beck "Imaging science in the 1990s", Proc. SPIE 1396, Applications of Optical Engineering: Proceedings of OE/Midwest '90, (1 March 1991);
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Computer science

Image processing

Imaging systems

Image analysis

Software development

Optical engineering

3D image processing

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