Dr. Atalla E. El-Taher
Research Fellow at Aston Univ
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (4)

Proceedings Article | 16 February 2012 Paper
Sergey Babin, Atalla El-Taher, Paul Harper, Evgenii Podivilov, Sergei Turitsyn
Proceedings Volume 8237, 82373E (2012) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.907965
KEYWORDS: Fiber lasers, Raman spectroscopy, Random lasers, Optical filters, Mirrors, Rayleigh scattering, Laser development, Telecommunications, Reflectors, Laser damage threshold

Proceedings Article | 11 February 2011 Paper
Proceedings Volume 7914, 791433 (2011) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.877647
KEYWORDS: Fiber Bragg gratings, Raman spectroscopy, Fiber lasers, Rayleigh scattering, Raman scattering, Remote sensing, Mirrors, Signal to noise ratio, Reflectors, Wavelength division multiplexing

Proceedings Article | 17 April 2006 Paper
Yuen Tsang, Atalla El-Taher, Terence King, Kuang-Po Chang, Stuart Jackson
Proceedings Volume 6190, 61900J (2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.666892
KEYWORDS: Dysprosium, Fiber lasers, ZBLAN, Absorption, Raman spectroscopy, Nd:YAG lasers, Luminescence, Argon ion lasers, Ytterbium, Spectroscopy

Proceedings Article | 17 April 2006 Paper
Proceedings Volume 6190, 61900G (2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.662092
KEYWORDS: Fiber lasers, Second-harmonic generation, Atomic force microscopy, Nonlinear crystals, Mirrors, Semiconductor lasers, Harmonic generation, Continuous wave operation, Crystals, Infrared radiation

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