Dr. Valery Dmitrievich Nikolaev
at PN Lebedev Physical Institute
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (18)

Proceedings Article | 18 April 2009 Paper
Marsel Zagidullin, Valery Nikolaev, Nikolay Khvatov, Michael Svistun
Proceedings Volume 7131, 713109 (2009) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.815908
KEYWORDS: Chlorine, Oxygen, Chemical oxygen iodine lasers, Chlorine gas, Charge-coupled devices, Helium, Chemical lasers, Spectrometers, Laser resonators, Liquids

Proceedings Article | 26 April 2007 Paper
Marsel Zagidullin, Valery Nikolaev, Nikolay Khvatov, Michael Svistun
Proceedings Volume 6346, 63460B (2007) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.737169
KEYWORDS: Chlorine, Oxygen, Chemical oxygen iodine lasers, Chlorine gas, Helium, Liquids, Iodine, Chemical lasers, Estimation theory, Absorption

Proceedings Article | 12 April 2007 Paper
Marsel Zagidullin, Valery Nikolaev, Michael Svistun, Nikolay Khvatov
Proceedings Volume 6611, 66110A (2007) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.740587
KEYWORDS: Oxygen, Chlorine, Iodine, Chemical oxygen iodine lasers, Helium, Nitrogen, Chlorine gas, Liquids, Signal detection, Aerodynamics

Proceedings Article | 23 March 2005 Paper
Marsel Zagidullin, Valery Nikolaev, Michael Svistun, Nickolai Khvatov
Proceedings Volume 5777, (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.610969
KEYWORDS: Chlorine, Chlorine gas, Chemical oxygen iodine lasers, Oxygen, Liquids, Laser resonators, Temperature metrology, Nitrogen, Head, Gas lasers

Proceedings Article | 23 March 2005 Paper
Proceedings Volume 5777, (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.610990
KEYWORDS: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Throat, Aerodynamics, Helium, Mirrors, Chemical oxygen iodine lasers, Chlorine, Analytical research, Iodine

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