18 June 2024 Recent advance in development of Cr/Sc-based multilayer coatings for water window applications
Evgueni Meltchakov, Blandine Capitanio, Sébastien de Rossi, Eirini Papagiannouli, Pascal Mercere, Franck Delmotte
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Development of multilayer mirrors for the water window (a region between absorption edges of carbon and oxygen, from 282 to 533 eV) remains quite a challenge. Proposed 25 years ago, the Cr/Sc multilayer provides theoretical reflectivity about 60% at near-normal incidence near the Sc L2,3 edge. However, the maximum measured peak reflectance achieved so far just slightly exceeds 20%. We report on our approach to design highly reflective Cr/Sc-based multilayer coatings using a process of nitridation of chromium during deposition and adding boron carbide as a third material in the multilayer structure. We will report on our strategy of optimisation of the CrN/B4C/Sc multilayer system and discuss the main findings and results. The peak reflectance as high as 32% at 397 eV was measured with this type of coating which proves to be potentially interesting for various water window applications such as x-ray microscopy.
Conference Presentation
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Evgueni Meltchakov, Blandine Capitanio, Sébastien de Rossi, Eirini Papagiannouli, Pascal Mercere, and Franck Delmotte "Recent advance in development of Cr/Sc-based multilayer coatings for water window applications", Proc. SPIE PC13020, Advances in Optical Thin Films VIII, PC130200E (18 June 2024);


Optical coatings


Thin film coatings


Thin film growth


Development of the Water Window Imaging X-Ray Microscope
Proceedings of SPIE (October 04 1994)
Thin Film Optical Coatings
Proceedings of SPIE (November 08 1983)

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