Presentation + Paper
24 February 2017 Zinc oxide nanostructures and its nano-compounds for efficient visible light photo-catalytic processes
Rania E. Adam, Hatim Alnoor, Sami Elhag, Omer Nur, Magnus Willander
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 10105, Oxide-based Materials and Devices VIII; 101050X (2017)
Event: SPIE OPTO, 2017, San Francisco, California, United States
Zinc oxide (ZnO) in its nanostructure form is a promising material for visible light emission/absorption and utilization in different energy efficient photocatalytic processes. We will first present our recent results on the effect of varying the molar ratio of the synthesis nutrients on visible light emission. Further we will use the optimized conditions from the molar ration experiments to vary the synthesis processing parameters like stirring time etc. and the effect of all these parameters in order to optimize the efficiency and control the emission spectrum are investigated using different complementary techniques. Cathodoluminescence (CL) is combined with photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL) as the techniques to investigate and optimizes visible light emission from ZnO/GaN light emitting diodes. We will then show and discuss our recent finding of the use of high quality ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) for efficient photo-degradation of toxic dyes using the visible spectra, namely with a wavelength up to 800 nm. In the end, we show how ZnO nanorods (NRs) are used as the first template to be transferred to bismuth zinc vanadate (BiZn2VO6). The BiZn2VO6 is then used to demonstrate efficient and cost effective hydrogen production through photoelectrochemical water splitting using solar radiation.
Conference Presentation
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Rania E. Adam, Hatim Alnoor, Sami Elhag, Omer Nur, and Magnus Willander "Zinc oxide nanostructures and its nano-compounds for efficient visible light photo-catalytic processes", Proc. SPIE 10105, Oxide-based Materials and Devices VIII, 101050X (24 February 2017); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Zinc oxide



Visible radiation


Scanning electron microscopy

Ultraviolet radiation


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