16 February 2018 Development of an adaptive laser beam shaper
Hans-Georg König, Oliver Pütsch, Felix Lange, Jochen Stollenwerk, Peter Loosen
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The intensity distribution of a laser beam has a high impact on laser processing applications. In many applications, the emitted light of a laser beam source is transformed from a Gaussian intensity distribution into other intensity distributions with the intent to improve the process quality. Numerous approaches have been pursued for this purpose in the past. The vast majority of these optical systems is static. As a result the laser material processing process is limited to a specific intensity distribution. Different systems like membrane deformable mirrors can be used for shaping multiple intensity distributions. However, the control of such systems is complex and requires a deep understanding of the underlying operating principle of the specific mirror system. In this paper a new approach for active beam shapers made of catalog components, like spherical and cylindrical lenses, is introduced. Two optical systems for active beam shaping are designed which can change between two different intensity distributions by moving an individual spherical/ cylindrical lens along the beam path. One system forms a laser spot with Gaussian like intensity distribution and a TopHat shaped intensity distribution respectively. The second optical system is capable of forming a laser spot with Gaussian intensity distribution and a homogenous line shaped intensity distribution respectively. Also the mechanical housing for these optical systems is presented.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hans-Georg König, Oliver Pütsch, Felix Lange, Jochen Stollenwerk, and Peter Loosen "Development of an adaptive laser beam shaper", Proc. SPIE 10518, Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XX, 1051819 (16 February 2018);
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Beam shaping

Laser processing

Cylindrical lenses

Optical components


Aspheric lenses

Laser sources


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