Several strain-balanced InAs/InAsSb superlattices are grown using molecular beam epitaxy at temperatures ranging from 425 °C to 475 °C using Bi/In flux ratios ranging from 0.0% to 10.0%. The structural and optical properties of the samples are evaluated using X-ray diffraction, secondary ion mass spectrometry, and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Analysis of the mass spectrometry data indicates that surfactant Bi incorporates into the InAs/InAsSb material system with a sticking coefficient of 0.3% at 450 °C, yielding dopant-level concentrations for typical Bi/In surfactant flux ratios. Analysis of the integrated photoluminescence intensity indicates that photoluminescence efficiency is greatest with a 1.0% Bi/In flux ratio for growth at 425-430 °C, and a 5.0% Bi/In flux ratio for growth at 450-475 °C. The improvement in photoluminescence efficiency is associated with a longer Shockley-Read-Hall lifetime in the superlattices grown with Bi surfactant. |
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Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
Molecular beam epitaxy