9 November 2018 An improved method based on a new wavelet transform for overlapped peak detection on Raman spectra
Minghui Liu, Zuoren Dong, Guofeng Xin, Yanguang Sun, Ronghui Qu
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Peak detection is an important step in the chemical identification by Raman spectroscopy. At present, most peak detection methods have finite identification ability on overlapping peaks, especially for the spectrum measured by the portable spectrometer with low resolution. In this paper, an improved method is proposed that using continuous wavelet transform(CWT) peak detection method based on a new wavelet on the deconvolved Raman spectrum. The new wavelet has smaller linewidth and is more similar with the intrinsic line profile of Raman spectroscopy, Lorentz line profile. So it has advantages on overlapping peaks detection. The proposed method was evaluated by Raman spectrum of solid amino acid mixtures. The results show that it is better at detecting overlapping peaks than the other two wavelets.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Minghui Liu, Zuoren Dong, Guofeng Xin, Yanguang Sun, and Ronghui Qu "An improved method based on a new wavelet transform for overlapped peak detection on Raman spectra ", Proc. SPIE 10826, Infrared, Millimeter-Wave, and Terahertz Technologies V, 108260R (9 November 2018);
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Raman spectroscopy

Continuous wavelet transforms



Wavelet transforms

Detection and tracking algorithms

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