18 December 2019 An improved method of light stripe extraction
Xiangyu Ma, Zili Zhang, Can Hao, Fanchang Meng, Weihu Zhou, Lianqing Zhu
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Proceedings Volume 11338, AOPC 2019: Optical Sensing and Imaging Technology; 113383O (2019)
Event: Applied Optics and Photonics China (AOPC2019), 2019, Beijing, China
The three-dimensional measuring system based on structured light has the advantages of propermeasuring range, high speed and non-contact measuring mode,and it is widely used in medical and manufacturing fields. The strip center extraction is one of the key steps in the line structured light vision measurement system. According to the line structure laser measurement model, the essence of the line structure measurement is to extract the pixel coordinates of the laser beam and substitute them into the measurement mathematical model formula to calculate the spatial coordinates of the measured points. Thus the accuracy and precision of laser strip pixel coordinate extraction directly affect the final calculation results. When the laser is projected onto the surface of the object to be measured, it is susceptible by the surface material of the object, ambient light and other factors, which may lead to speckle, uneven brightness of the light, wide range of light width variation and other problems. In this paper, an adaptive method for extracting light strips is proposed to solve the problems of speckle and wide width range of the light strips.
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xiangyu Ma, Zili Zhang, Can Hao, Fanchang Meng, Weihu Zhou, and Lianqing Zhu "An improved method of light stripe extraction", Proc. SPIE 11338, AOPC 2019: Optical Sensing and Imaging Technology, 113383O (18 December 2019);
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Image filtering

Hough transforms

Image enhancement

Edge detection

Structured light

Feature extraction


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