The University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory (TAO) is a project to build and operate an infrared-optimized 6.5m telescope at the summit of Cerro Chajnantor (5640 m.a.s.l). This is promoted by Institute of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo in collaboration with many universities and institutes. The project is now approaching the final phase of the construction. Production of major components are almost completed. The primary mirror fabricated by Steward Observatory Richard F. Caris Mirror Lab in the University of Arizona was temporarily assembled in its support system and confirmed its performance by the optical test in the laboratory. The telescope mount, the enclosure system, and the mirror coating system were fabricated in Japan and already shipped to Chile. They are now stored in an open yard located in the foot area of Cerro Chajanator. The expansion of the summit access road, the summit leveling, the foundation work was completed. Now the construction work of the summit facilities is on-going. TAO will equip three instruments in early science phase. A near-infrared instrument SWIMS is completed, and now used as a PI-type instrument of Subaru telescope. A near-infrared spectrograph NICE which was used on the 1.6m Pirka telescope in Japan is being refurbished for TAO. A mid-infrared instrument MIMIZUKU successfully saw the first light on Subaru telescope and is being prepared for TAO in Japan. We expect to start science operation in FY2023.