20 January 2023 Fast Spirulina detection with fixed-focus microscope and deep learning
Hao Liu, Zhen Lu, Yinchu Wang, Ruiquan Chen, Yuwei Cai, Nanlin Xu, Zheng Peng, Xiao Peng, Huifeng Wu
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Proceedings Volume 12563, AOPC 2022: AI in Optics and Photonics; 1256304 (2023)
Event: Applied Optics and Photonics China 2022 (AOPC2022), 2022, Beijing, China
As a kind of microalgae, Spirulina plays an important role in fish culture, food processing industry, medical treatment and bioenergetic development due to its reasonable nutritional composition and high hydrogenase activity. However, the purity of Spirulina , which could be significantly affected by virus infection and miscellaneous algal issues, has great impact on the quality of the product. Thus, periodic Spirulina detection is necessary for quality control of Spirulina culture. Currently, there are two main methods of Spirulina detection: the optical microscopic method and the fluorescence detection method. The former has higher accuracy and a lower speed while the latter has a higher speed in a sample destructing mode. Deep learning-based method has the ability to accelerate data processing. Meanwhile, it can achieve high accuracy by model training and validation. In this work, we have applied deep learning to Spirulina detection to achieve a higher accuracy rate. The process was divided into four main steps: Spirulina culture, image acquisition, image preprocessing and YOLO-v3 model training. The hyperparametric modulation was carried out to determine the appropriate training parameters, providing a trained model with mAP of 0.839 at a detection speed of 20.53 fps. It has great application potential in quantity detection and size detection of cultured Spirulina .
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hao Liu, Zhen Lu, Yinchu Wang, Ruiquan Chen, Yuwei Cai, Nanlin Xu, Zheng Peng, Xiao Peng, and Huifeng Wu "Fast Spirulina detection with fixed-focus microscope and deep learning", Proc. SPIE 12563, AOPC 2022: AI in Optics and Photonics, 1256304 (20 January 2023);
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Data modeling


Image acquisition

Computer vision technology

Fluorescence spectroscopy

Image processing


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