Empulse is the Swiss table-top near-infrared (λ = 1050 nm) laser system that aims to produce 10-TW class pulses through chirped pulse amplification. The system offers a flexible platform for a number of experiments in materials science, such as advanced spectroscopy and/or materials under extreme conditions. The technical design report (TDR) is presented, highlighting the system architecture and performance. This TDR gives a general overview of the Empulse system and updates on developments towards realization of a joule-class ∼ps-scale short pulse output. In particular, the laser system timing diagram, safety interlock scheme, the front-end pulse jitter characterization, and finally the group delay dispersion (GDD) calculations of the stretcher and compressor optics are presented. The system is complemented by a number of dedicated diagnostics and realtime-monitoring, as reported in the paper by Hemani et al. in this proceedings.