22 May 2023 Recognition of handwritten Tibetan numerals based on IoT devices
Baiyuan Chen
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Proceedings Volume 12640, International Conference on Internet of Things and Machine Learning (IoTML 2022); 126400S (2023)
Event: International Conference on Internet of Things and Machine Learning (IoTML 2022), 2022, Harbin, China
Internet of Things (IoT) and AI are correlating with each other closer and closer. By combining these two techniques, most of the tasks can be done efficiently. In this circumstance, however, most of the recognition tasks of handwritten Tibetan is still fulfilled manually or using methods like convolutional neural network (CNN), which lowers the efficiency because of their long training time. In order to solve those problems, in this paper, we use portable IoT devices and seek for a traditional method with not only high accuracy but also short training time on the tasks. We use methods that are commonly used in handwriting recognition to recognize handwritten Tibetan numerals and compare not only accuracy but also training time of those methods. Furthermore, we adjust the best method and find the most appropriate setting for handwriting recognition task. We combine AI and IoT and provide an efficient way of recognizing handwritten Tibetan numerals.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Baiyuan Chen "Recognition of handwritten Tibetan numerals based on IoT devices", Proc. SPIE 12640, International Conference on Internet of Things and Machine Learning (IoTML 2022), 126400S (22 May 2023);
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Neural networks

Internet of things

Education and training


Artificial intelligence

Convolutional neural networks

Evolutionary algorithms

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