Poster + Paper
13 March 2024 Laser light illumination modulation and HDR implementation method based on PLM device
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Conference Poster
Texas Instruments has developed a Phase Light Modulator (PLM) based on Digital Light Processing (DLP) System, which alters the distribution of the light field. This paper explores the fundamental diffraction properties of PLM using the blazed grating model, investigates its capability to steer beams and tests its uniformity as a light field modulator. We selected a typical light field distribution to test the contrast ratio and examined how changing the light field distribution through PLM affects contrast ratio. When there is a single spot area exists in the modulated light field, decreasing the proportion of the individual spot to the entire image area, increases the contrast ratio; When there are multiple spots in the modulated image, increasing their number, decreases the contrast ratio. The feasibility of arbitrarily manipulating light field illumination for display system applications is verified by combining PLM with Digital Micromirror Device (DMD), leading to improved contrast ratios and better realization of High Dynamic Range (HDR) in projected images.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xiaofei Li, Dabo Guo, Guang Yuan, and Bin Guo "Laser light illumination modulation and HDR implementation method based on PLM device", Proc. SPIE 12900, Emerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and Applications XVI, 129000H (13 March 2024);
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High dynamic range imaging

Blazed gratings

Digital micromirror devices


Light sources and illumination


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