This paper proposes a novel display technique that reconstructs an aerial image just around viewing eyes to realize ultrawide field-of-view that cover entire field of view with images. Although it is known that getting closer to the information screen usually makes images larger and covering the entire field of view with images, the closest distance is limited by our nose. However, aerial display overcome this hardware limitation and has a possibility to present information just around the viewing eyes, even behind eyes, because aerial display has no hardware around the aerial image. When observer stands between the display hardware and the aerial image, reconstructed aerial image is behind the observer. To clarify what can be seen in this situation, we have developed a prototype aerial display to form an image just around viewing eyes by using aerial imaging by retro-reflection (AIRR). The image size for observer and binocular disparity have been estimated using this prototype. Even when aerial image is reconstructed behind viewing eyes, inverted image to aerial image can be observed, , whose size and negative disparity become very large toward infinity. Furthermore, our proposed method can cover entire field of view with images. This method is promising for new possibilities for aerial displays, such as one providing an immersive sensation with ultra-wide field-of-view.