Presentation + Paper
9 April 2024 Mitigation of EUV photoresist pattern deformation by wafer backside cleaning techniques
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The next generation of this technology (using a high-numerical aperture (NA) at 0.55 compared to the present at 0.33) is also currently being prepared and is scheduled to be production ready within the next few years. However, it is well known that the application of higher NA will lead to smaller depth of focus (DOF). The DOF with NA 0.55 systems will reduce to 1/3 of the value that we have in current 0.33 NA systems, i.e. if DOF at NA 0.33 is 100nm then at NA 0.55, DOF will be around 30 to 40nm. At these exposure conditions, wafer surface distortions as an effect of backside defects will become significant concern. In this study, the wafer backside at exactly the same locations detected as where these abnormal CD’s were detected on wafer frontside. And the evidence was shown that the backside defects affected to frontside pattern deformation. Furthermore, it was found that an effective backside cleaning process can mitigate pattern defocus caused by these wafer backside particles.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Masahiko Harumoto, Andreia Figueiredo dos Santos, Wesley Zanders, Elke Caron, and Jelle Vandereyken "Mitigation of EUV photoresist pattern deformation by wafer backside cleaning techniques", Proc. SPIE 12957, Advances in Patterning Materials and Processes XLI, 129570Z (9 April 2024);
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Semiconducting wafers


Scanning electron microscopy

Extreme ultraviolet lithography

Photoresist materials




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