Presentation + Paper
4 October 2024 Redefining the limiting noise for a high sensitivity ring laser gyro
Francesco Giovinetti, Francesco Bajardi, Andrea Basti, Nicoló Beverini, Giorgio Carelli, Giuseppe Di Somma, Angela D. V. Di Virgilio, Francesco Fuso, Enrico Maccioni, Paolo Marsili, Antonello Ortolan, David Vitali, Alberto Porzio
Author Affiliations +
A ring-laser-gyro (RLG) is a rotation sensor based on the Sagnac effect. Its ultimate sensitivity is given by the shot-noise. RLG are ring optical cavities where an in-cavity optically active laser volume emits two counter propagating beams. They, if the cavity is rotating and due to the Sagnac effect, show different frequencies. This frequency difference is proportional to the rotation rate of the ring itself. Here we present noise floor measurement for a large ring laser showing that the reached sensitivity level is not consistent with an independent beam model. The measured sensitivity is, indeed, about one order of magnitude better than expected. This is most probably due to coupling of the phases of the two beams mediated by the laser medium and mirror back-scattering. This result paves the way to the use of large RLGs in a wide range of measures in fundamental physics as well as to experimentally investigating quantum effects in non-inertial reference frames. In this contribution, starting from the experimental findings, we will discuss the necessary modifications to the theory and give some hints to understand the role of the above-mentioned mechanisms.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Francesco Giovinetti, Francesco Bajardi, Andrea Basti, Nicoló Beverini, Giorgio Carelli, Giuseppe Di Somma, Angela D. V. Di Virgilio, Francesco Fuso, Enrico Maccioni, Paolo Marsili, Antonello Ortolan, David Vitali, and Alberto Porzio "Redefining the limiting noise for a high sensitivity ring laser gyro", Proc. SPIE 13148, Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XXII, 131480B (4 October 2024);
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Quantum noise

Quantum limits

Ring lasers

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