22 November 2024 Demonstrating a line-of-sight optical dome turbulence monitor
James Osborn, Kathryn Barrett, Ollie J. Farley, David Alaluf
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Ground-based optical telescopes are limited by the optical turbulence in the atmosphere and by the local turbulence, such as that within and around the telescope structure, known as dome turbulence. The former is well studied but little is known about the latter, although being a significant contributor to the overall turbulence. Efforts to reduce its strength can be put it in place, however these prove challenging without a reliable method to measure the turbulence within the dome. Several techniques have been developed, most of which involve propagating a laser through the turbulent medium. We propose a novel confined turbulence measurement device known as the Dome Turbulence Monitor. This is based on the SCIDAR technique, capable of measuring the turbulence along a very similar line-of-sight as the telescope, unlike the previous techniques. We present results from a demonstration of the instrument taken from the INT dome in La Palma.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
James Osborn, Kathryn Barrett, Ollie J. Farley, and David Alaluf "Demonstrating a line-of-sight optical dome turbulence monitor", Proc. SPIE 13194, Environmental Effects on Light Propagation and Adaptive Systems VII, 131940C (22 November 2024);



Optical sensing



Measurement devices

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