13 November 2024 PERFEX-I: confidence scores for image classification using decision trees
Thijs Eker, Ajaya Adhikari, Sabina B. van Rooij
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To be able to use machine learning models in practice, it is important to know when their predictions can be trusted. Confidence estimations can help end users to calibrate their trust, avoiding under- or over-reliance, and to decide when human interference is needed. In our work, we further develop the eXplainable AI (XAI) method PERformance EXplainer (PERFEX), which was originally proposed for tabular datasets. We adapt PERFEX such that it can be used to accurately estimate the image classifier confidence. This was done by applying the method on feature-reduced activation values of the last layer of image classification models. We coin this approach PERFEX-I. We show that PERFEX-I performs on par with existing methods for confidence estimation such as Temperature Scaling and Deep Ensembles. The Expected Calibration Error (ECE) on the ImageNet dataset is reduced from 6.83 to 1.71 for ResNet50 and from 8.84 to 1.44 for Swin-B compared to using the Softmax scores. Additionally, PERFEX-I groups images that may share common reasons for errors, and visual analysis of these groups can reveal patterns of the model’s behavior.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Thijs Eker, Ajaya Adhikari, and Sabina B. van Rooij "PERFEX-I: confidence scores for image classification using decision trees", Proc. SPIE 13206, Artificial Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications II, 132060J (13 November 2024);
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Image classification

Decision trees


Data modeling


Statistical analysis

Statistical modeling


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