Climate change causes weather pattern changes and heavy rainfall more frequently which causes flooding in many areas. Due to its limitations on cloud cover, optical satellites are not capable of mapping floods. SAR satellites such as Sentinel-I SAR is a high-resolution satellite used for detecting flood inundation because of its capability to penetrate clouds and not depend on the weather. The Otsu thresholding algorithm was applied to identify an optimal threshold for each preprocessed Sentinel-I image to separate water from non-water pixels for producing the best threshold to identify flood and non-flood areas based on the backscatter intensity. The results indicate Sentinel-I SAR shows that the application of VH polarization with the Otsu method can map floods well in Central Java flood events. For the impact of flooding, ESA WorldCover with 10m resolution is used to estimate the amount of affected cropland and urban areas. The population density is obtained from The Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) to count the people exposed to flood. In the March 15 at the early stage of the flood event, 63,698 hectares were estimated affected, and the number of exposed people was 28,000. Based on ESA WorldCover data, 44,080 hectares of cropland are affected and 1,119 hectares of urban areas are affected by flood events. With the rapid mapping process of disaster-affected areas, it will be easier for the decision-makers and disaster management to make proper decisions during the disaster time.