26 September 2024 Design and implementation of holographic image recording scheme with preset correlation spectral structure
Yiqian He, Yi Liu
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Proceedings Volume 13282, Second Advanced Imaging and Information Processing Conference (AIIP 2024); 132820C (2024)
Event: Second Advanced Imaging and Information Processing Conference (AIIP 2024), 2024, Xining, China
A novel holographic recording method is proposed in this paper. When preserving the unchanged holographic reconstructed image, we introduce a method to modulate the reconstructed correlation spectrum into a preset structure, which implies that both the reconstructed image and correlation spectrum serve as information carriers. Building upon Fourier holographic recording principles, we elucidate the underlying mechanism and investigate the influence of sub-image shape on the correlation spectrum of holographic reconstructed light field. Futhermore, a new holographic algorithm of sample and recording CSI-OSIA-HR permits that the sub-image obtained intelligently by the random preset center-symmetric correlation spectrum. To validate the algorithm, we conducted holographic experiments using center-symmetric “Chun”, “Taiji Yin-Yang Fish”, and “Eight awn star” as various preset images. When the Fourier holographic record of different objects is carried out, and the simulation calculation shows the correlation spectra of different objects and different presets, the reconstructed images are consistent with the holographic record presets in the reconstructed light field obtained by the algorithm, and the correlation spectral structure is also perfectly in line with the preset patterns. This novel holographic recording scheme simultaneously encodes preset image information within both the hologram and its correlation spectrum, offering potential applications in artistic holography and holographic encryption.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yiqian He and Yi Liu "Design and implementation of holographic image recording scheme with preset correlation spectral structure", Proc. SPIE 13282, Second Advanced Imaging and Information Processing Conference (AIIP 2024), 132820C (26 September 2024);
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3D image reconstruction



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