16 January 2025 Enhancement of bandwidth-efficiency capability in apodized grating couplers by improving mode matching at multiwavelengths
Shiyuan Huang, Jin Hou, Yu Qu, Hao Long, Chunyong Yang, Shaoping Chen
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Proceedings Volume 13485, International Symposium on Silicon-based Optoelectronics (ISSBO 2024); 1348503 (2025)
Event: International Symposium on Silicon-based Optoelectronics (ISSBO 2024), 2024, Chongqing, China
Broadband-efficient grating couplers serve as the key bridge connecting fiber and the chip in silicon photonics. Apodized grating couplers (AGC) have already demonstrated with high coupling efficiency, but almost all of them have been designed by only considering of mode matching coupling at single-wavelength, which resulting in a limited coupling bandwidth. Here, a multi-wavelengths mode matching method by calculating the root mean square error of effective-index and leakage-factor is proposed to design AGCs with both an enhancement bandwidth and a high coupling efficiency. Our investigation shows that, compared with the conventional single-wavelength SOI AGC, in an optimized multi-wavelengths AGC, the 3 dB bandwidth could be extended from 60 nm to 88 nm and the coupling efficiency could be enhanced from 67 % to 74 %. Moreover, when a metal reflector at the bottom of the AGC was furtherly adopted, both the 3 dB bandwidth and the coupling efficiency could be enhanced to an even more higher value of 92 nm and 91 % in an optimized multi-wavelengths AGC. These results would provide a new pathway to achieve broadband grating couplers by considering of multi-wavelengths mode matching.
(2025) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Shiyuan Huang, Jin Hou, Yu Qu, Hao Long, Chunyong Yang, and Shaoping Chen "Enhancement of bandwidth-efficiency capability in apodized grating couplers by improving mode matching at multiwavelengths", Proc. SPIE 13485, International Symposium on Silicon-based Optoelectronics (ISSBO 2024), 1348503 (16 January 2025);
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