Open Access Paper
15 January 2025 Development of a low-cost handheld narrow band multi-spectral imaging system
Qijie Wu, Jie Lv, Xinyuan Cao, Zhilong Yan
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Proceedings Volume 13513, The International Conference Optoelectronic Information and Optical Engineering (OIOE2024); 1351342 (2025)
Event: The International Conference Optoelectronic Information and Optical Engineering (OIOE2024), 2024, Wuhan, China
Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) is an optical medical imaging technique that utilizes narrow band light to enhance the visualization of mucosa and tissues. NBI has been used to enhance traditional white light endoscopic imaging. A key feature of NBI is its ability to provide high-contrast images of blood vessels in tissues, especially compared to white light. For instance, in gastrointestinal cancer detection, specific narrow-band light such as green light, which is strongly absorbed by hemoglobin in the blood, is used to improve the visualization of blood vessels, aiding physicians in more precise diagnosis and evaluation. NBI can achieve multi-spectral imaging by using various colored lights for illumination or optical filters in white light endoscopes. In this study, we have developed a low-cost NBI multi-spectral system. The NBI system is built with multi-color LEDs into a handheld probe. The system was evaluated on oral mucosa and pigmented mole, demonstrating its promising potential in identifying and classifying pathological changes in epithelial tissues.
(2025) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Qijie Wu, Jie Lv, Xinyuan Cao, and Zhilong Yan "Development of a low-cost handheld narrow band multi-spectral imaging system", Proc. SPIE 13513, The International Conference Optoelectronic Information and Optical Engineering (OIOE2024), 1351342 (15 January 2025);
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Imaging systems


Light emitting diodes

Light sources


Biological imaging

Light sources and illumination

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