1 April 1991 Improved version of the PIF01 streak image tube
Valentina P. Degtyareva, V. I. Fedotov, B. B. Moskalev, Valdis E. Postovalov, Alexander M. Prokhorov, Mikhail Ya. Schelev, N. F. Soldatov
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Proceedings Volume 1358, 19th Intl Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics; (1991)
Event: 19th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, 1990, Cambridge, United Kingdom
The revised version of the PIFO1 image tube was computer-simulated, designed and manufactured. For dynamic measurements of this tube, two laser systems were employed: YA1O3:Nd solid state laser with fibre optics compressor generating a 200 ns train of single pulses of 0.3 Ps pulse duration at 1.08 ,im wavelength, as well as two-modes Nd:glass laser generating sinusoidallymodulated radiation with variable picosecond modulation period at 1.06 im wavelength. Time-dispersed pictures from the PIFO1 phosphor screen were recorded by SIT-vidicon readout system through crossover 1ype microchannel intensifier. Temporal resolution of 1.3 Ps was measured at 10 cm/s streak speed and dynamic range of better than 30. The PIFO1 tube spatial resolution was 25 line pairs/mm over 6 mm input photocathode area, and its electron-optical magnification was 1.5x. Comparative technical parameters of PIFO1 and PVOO1 will be presented, as well as parameters of an experimental streak camera prototype built around PIFO1 image tube.
© (1991) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Valentina P. Degtyareva, V. I. Fedotov, B. B. Moskalev, Valdis E. Postovalov, Alexander M. Prokhorov, Mikhail Ya. Schelev, and N. F. Soldatov "Improved version of the PIF01 streak image tube", Proc. SPIE 1358, 19th Intl Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, (1 April 1991);
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Picosecond phenomena

Design for manufacturability

Fiber optics

Laser systems engineering


Neodymium glass lasers

Pulsed laser operation


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