1 July 1992 Requirements analysis for PACS
Janice C. Honeyman, Meryll M. Frost, Jonathan M. Messinger, Carole K. Palmer, W. Dean Bidgood M.D., Edward V. Staab
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The implementation of Picture Archival and Communication Systems (PACS) within the contemporary radiology department is a complex procedure. Given the complexity of the total PACS environment with its advanced technology requirements, most sites will find it impractical to implement a filmless department with a total PACS solution at this time. Although many technical problems make a total PACS solution impractical in many situations, small, clinically useful, partial PACS (''miniPACS'') can be developed now and can provide experience for future development of more complete PACS. Planning for PACS and creating a supporting infrastructure are important and complex procedures. This paper describes an analysis performed as a neuroradiology PACS system was designed and implemented. Network bandwidth and image storage were evaluated; interfaces were specified; databases were designed; and plans were made to accommodate physical equipment requirements.
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Janice C. Honeyman, Meryll M. Frost, Jonathan M. Messinger, Carole K. Palmer, W. Dean Bidgood M.D., and Edward V. Staab "Requirements analysis for PACS", Proc. SPIE 1654, Medical Imaging VI: PACS Design and Evaluation, (1 July 1992);
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Picture Archiving and Communication System


Image storage




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