Optical polishing effect of purity 99.96% cerium oxide extracted by sulfuric acid solution from raw monazites is discussed. Researches show polishing efficiency of the cerium oxide calcined at 1100 +/- 25 degree(s)C (and then rapidly cooled) can increase by 30 - 40% as compared with that of the un-calcined, and that it is especially suitable for polishing hard optical glass and crystals, and window and dome materials; to a certain extent, those which produce flocculent additives round the cerium oxide grains can raise polishing efficiency, decrease or eliminate 'drags' and 'orange peel' of polishing surface and improve polishing surface quality result, and each additive has its optimum amount to a certain optical material. In addition, content of other rare-earth oxides or non-rare-earth oxides affecting polishing surface quality has been studied.