1 July 1992 Dynamical chaos: applications to some optical problems
Klimenty N. Yugay
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Proceedings Volume 1811, Tenth All-Union Symposium and School on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy; (1992)
Event: Tenth All-Union Symposium and School on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, 1991, Omsk, Russian Federation
One of the optical problems of quantum optics is interaction of an atom or molecule with a strong harmonic electrical field. It has acquired a new importance in connection with a deep ani6interesting phenomenon of dynamical chaos discovered in this systems lately. This phenomenon take place only in nonlinear systems. The conception of "nonlinear systems" is widespread in quantum mechanics. But first of all it is necessary to attract attention to one important point : the equat ions of quantum mechanics are 1 inear in a rigour statement of a problem, but they might be nonl inear in phenomeno logical theories such as Ginzburg-Landau theory of superconductivity. The nonlinearity of equations of quantum mechanics relative to the electric field or other characteristics of the Hamiltonian can not lead to bifurcations and thus to the dynamical chaos . Therefore the quantum chaos , i . e. the dynami cal chaos in quantum systems, can take place only in the classical limit in which the appropriate equations are nonlinear.
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Klimenty N. Yugay "Dynamical chaos: applications to some optical problems", Proc. SPIE 1811, Tenth All-Union Symposium and School on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, (1 July 1992);
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Complex systems


Molecular spectroscopy

Quantum chaos

Quantum mechanics


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