In present work the peculiarities of chalcogenide vitreous semiconductor (ChVS) layers utilization for recording and production of holograms are considered. The utilization of ChVS layers in a quality of such media most frequently is based on utilization of the two effects: photostructural transformations in such layers 1, leading to the solubility changes ( as in present work), or on photodoping effect (various ChVS-Ag system) 2. Media on the base of ChVS layers satisfy rather rigid demands that are applied to the media for holography 3i4: posess high resolution (not less than 4000 lines/mm), have suitable sensitivity (exposure values under recording of simplest holograms - diffraction gratings may consist 0.1-1 J/cm2 ), they proviode high uniformity of materal. The forming relief image can be as negative,as well as the positive one, depending on the etchant nature.