15 January 1996 1.625-um high-power lasers for OTDR monitoring systems for optical transmission lines
Tsutomu Munakata, Yasumasa Kashima, Shigehiro Kusumoto, Akio Matoba, Hiroshi Takano
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Proceedings Volume 2610, Laser Diode Chip and Packaging Technology; (1996)
Event: Photonics East '95, 1995, Philadelphia, PA, United States
An optical power of over 160 mW has been successfully achieved using 1.625-micrometer strained multiple quantum well lasers at a forward current of 800 mA in pulsed operation. Such high power is achieved by optimizing the separated confinement heterostructure layer thickness. The operating life of high power 1.625-micrometer lasers has been estimated from the results of accelerated aging at 45 degrees Celsius, and 300 mA and 500 mA under continuous-wave operation. No significant change in optical output power was observed up to 4500 hours. The mean-time-to-failure at driving currents of 300 mA and 500 mA, at an ambient temperature of 45 degrees Celsius, are estimated to be about 4.2 multiplied by 104 hours and 3.5 multiplied by 104 hours, respectively.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tsutomu Munakata, Yasumasa Kashima, Shigehiro Kusumoto, Akio Matoba, and Hiroshi Takano "1.625-um high-power lasers for OTDR monitoring systems for optical transmission lines", Proc. SPIE 2610, Laser Diode Chip and Packaging Technology, (15 January 1996);
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Pulsed laser operation

High power lasers


Quantum wells

Continuous wave operation



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